
Select media appearances

China Research Group, Talks on China, "Hong Kong’s struggle with COVID and political distrust"
BBC, The Briefing Room, "Hong Kong: Beijing Tightens Its Grip"
ABC News, The Drum, "What's Happening in Hong Kong?"
NüVoices Podcast #42, "Hong Kong Media, Redefined"
Al Jazeera, The Stream, "Hong Kong Protests: How Will This End?"
Al Jazeera, The Listening Post. "China: Covering the Coronavirus Contagion"
Democracy Now!, "Hong Kong protests extradition bill: "There is no trust of the Chinese government"
Democracy Now!, "Hong Kong Grounds Flights as Mass Sit-in Shuts Down Airport After Weekend of Protests"

Pulic speaking

AAJA-Asia 2022 Conference, "The State of Press Freedom in Asia"
University of Warwick, CAGE Summer School 2022, "Journalism Under the Shadow of Authoritarianism"
Hoover Institution, The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism Conference 2020, "The Ethics of Doing Business with China and Chinese Companies"
AmCham 2019 China Conference, "Victor or Victim: Hong Kong’s Role Between the Battling Giants"
FCCHK Panel, "The Hong Kong Protests: What Happened and What’s Next"
Human Rights Foundation, Oslo Freedom Forum 2019, "Protest in the Age of Authoritarianism"


Taught two 2.5-hour online workshops organised by Reporters Without Borders on the fundamentals of journalism (2019)