

Hong Kong
This is the year Hong Kong began speaking the Communist Party’s authoritarian language
Hong Kong’s mass arrests are giving police crucial intelligence: people’s phones
Hong Kong’s protest movement keeps getting stymied by Apple
The Hong Kong protests are the most live-streamed protests ever
The journalist who livestreamed the Hong Kong protests’ darkest moment is now a dissident behind bars
A Cultural Revolution 2.0 is sweeping through Hong Kong’s offices and schools
Hong Kong’s new public enemy: the Cantonese language
“Laam Caau:” The high-stakes game that Hong Kong protesters are waging with China
What the Hong Kong protests can teach the world about enduring social movements
China has completed its takeover of Hong Kong’s legislature
Hong Kongers crowdsourced a protest manual—and Myanmar’s already using it
Hong Kong is exporting its protest techniques around the world
Countries are competing for skilled migrants fleeing crackdowns in Hong Kong and Belarus

Critical minerals
A Chinese rare earths giant is building international alliances worldwide
Japan’s global rare earths quest holds lessons for the US and Europe
The West is slowly rebuilding its rare earths upply chain—but China still looms large
China's rare earths industry has a raw materials problem
China is on a global hunt for rare earths
Why rare earth permanent magnets are vital to the global climate economy
A US-Europe rare earths partnership is sandwiched by China
A new US-EU rare earths supply chain is using a "very Chinese model" to counter China
How China uses tax policies to defend its rare earths monopoly
The West is rebuilding its rare earths supply chain—but China still looms large
China's rare earths industry has a raw materials problem
The critical minerals industry desperately needs new engineers
Mineral-rich countries want to form an OPEC for battery minerals

Industrial competition
How China beat US pharma giant Gilead in the race to create a covid antiviral pill
China wants its homegrown logistics giants to take on FedEx and UPS
The shift of manufacturing out of China is shaking up shipping
China has a growing arsenal of homegrown oral covid drugs
Chinese car makers are becoming shipping companies
Shipping giants Maersk and MSC are making different bets on the future of trade
To compete with China, Europe has to question the orthodoxy of globalization
China was “de-risking” long before the term caught on in the West
How China's chemicals industry can profit from Europe's energy crisis
Could software be the weak link in China's electric vehicle dominance
Why giant coal mines are part of China’s plan to reduce its dependence on coal

Chinese politics and economics
China is invoking a great American economist to warn against lagging productivity
A US journalist who dined with Mao is Beijing’s ideal for who should cover China
Beijing’s messaging on #WhereIsPengShuai mixes creepiness and cutesy
Two new phrases in a top Chinese dictionary highlight Beijing’s economic hopes—and pitfalls
China wants "new quality productivity." What does that even mean?

Public health
Why won’t the WHO call the coronavirus by its name, SARS-CoV-2?
Covid could do for ventilation what cholera did for cleaner water systems
How to tackle the global indoor air crisis

Charty shorts
China's life expectancy is now higher than that of the US
Europe is replacing energy dependence on Russia with solar reliance on China
China's boycott of Australia has redirected global flows of coal

New York Times

‘Not Just a Maid’: The Ultra-Running Domestic Workers of Hong Kong
Public Housing for Some, Instagram Selfie Backdrop for Others
Could a Colonial-Era Golf Club Solve Hong Kong’s Housing Woes?
Why Laundromats Are the Hot New Place to Hang Out in Hong Kong
After a Dip, Hong Kong Real Estate Again Eyes the Stratosphere

Washington Post

Hong Kong government tries to make an example of a small opposition party
Trumpian rhapsody: Hong Kong opera takes on ping-pong, China and the long red tie
At WWII Memorial, a complicated question: To wade or not to wade?
Are alleys the new frontier for D.C.’s housing market?
The 26-year fight over Klingle Road is the story of a changed and changing D.C.

Other links

Hong Kong has a cum problem (The Outline)
The 'Princeton Mom' Controversy and Campus Rape Today (The Atlantic)
The Case for Architecture Classes in Schools (CityLab)
Hong Kong's Pedestrian Mecca Gets the Axe (CityLab)